Thursday, September 15, 2011

Adrenal Corticosteroids

Adrenal Corticosteroids
43. Why might corticosteroids be useful for A.J.'s spinal pain?
Patients who have spinal metastatic disease often obtain pain relief with corticosteroids. This is thought to be because of a combination of direct anti-inflammatory effects and a reduction of pressure from edema around affected nerves. A short course of dexamethasone at a dose of 4 mg orally or IV four times daily with rapid tapering should be considered for A.J.150
Corticosteroid response may decrease with repeated use, but a single short-course therapy often can produce a significantly prolonged effect. Dexamethasone is most often used because of its long duration of action and lack of mineralocorticoid effects. Other corticosteroids may be substituted for the dexamethasone, however, using a conversion table to calculate equivalent doses.


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